Mystic Dreamer AS
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turkis - A L - meditasjonssten - turquoise


turkis - A  L - meditasjonssten - turquoise

Stor, ekte turkis

meditasjonssten, hjelper til med å finne den endelige hensikt med livet, gir følelse av samhørighet og kjærlighet, styrker intuisjon, gir fred og ro, letter kommunikasjon, beskytter


chakra: hals


NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag

NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker

Turquoise Tumbled Stones  - 

Metaphysically, Turquoise is considered to be a bridge between Heaven/Sky and Earth, grounding us while still remaining open to Spirit.  Many Native American cultures believe Turquoise helps to connect the mind to the infinite possibilities of the Universe, and Turquoise is considered sacred in many Chinese cultures as well.

Tumbled Turquoise is great for working with the Throat Chakra, to foster honest and clear communication from the heart, and with water and air elements.  Enhancing intuition, Turquoise also eases communication between the physical and spiritual realms.  Use Turquoise to release old vows, express freely, and ease nerves when speaking in public.  Turquoise is a strengthening and purifying stone, protecting against environmental pollutants, and is especially good for Sagittarius.

While supplies last, we are pleased to be able to offer this high quality, vibrant blue Turquoise in XL sizes, both individually and in wholesale quantity discounts.  Vibrant blue Turquoise in this XL size makes a fantastic Turquoise specimen.


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