Mystic Dreamer AS
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tigerøye gul rå spiss 5-7 cm


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tigerøye gul rå

rough point tiger eye top polished 5-7 cm

Tigers Eye Stone point top polished - raw Tiger Eye point - healing crystals and stones - tigers eye crystal - solar plexus chakra balancing

tigerøye, gul
gir skarpsindighet, overblikk og klar tankegang, bringer lykke og beskyttelse, balanserer følelsene, styrker viljen, fremmer klare intensjoner, helbreder selvfølelsen, fjerner tvil og misunnelse

chakra: solar plexus

NB! Krystallene er naturlige, og derfor ikke helt like, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer!



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Metaphysical Property:

Tigers Eye (Courage - Strength – Power) is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.
• Solar stone of courage, confidence, strength, will and personal power. Aids one in releasing the ego and achieving spiritual surrender
• Stimulates the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra to help you remain grounded, calm and centered and supported during times of stress
• Healing gemstone of vitality and physical action
• Energizes your body and chakras to strengthen your motivation and willpower
• Combines the energy of the Earth with the energy of the Sun, bringing grounding, optimistic and happy energies
• Help you to see the positive in any situation, making it especially helpful for anyone who suffers from feelings of depression.
• Provides protection, especially for travelers, as well as bringing good luck.
• Believed to bring you new opportunities, prosperity and wealth

Precious and Semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history and probably before, for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Healers all over the world are using them. It is not to be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment. The information given is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.


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