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Tarotkort pose Metatron lilla - Purple Velvet Archangel Metatron


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Tarotkort pose Metatron lilla - Purple Velvet Archangel Metatron Bag

Dimensions:: Measure 190 x 130mm

Bag Characteristics:  Made from a deep purple velvet like material with embroidered design. Suitable size for angel and tarot cards.

This angel/tarot card bag is made from a deep purple velvet-like material and the design is embroidered onto the fabric. The drawstring cord is also a a deep purple colour, the fabric of the bag has a lovely feel to it. It's suitable to fit angel cards as well as tarot cards.

The cards shown in the bag are Doreen Virtues Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, these are a fairly standard size of Angel Cards. Please note the colour of the bag may vary vry slightly from the colour on your screen due to monitor colour restrictions. 

Bag Size: Measure 190 x 130mm


Dictionary Terms Explained

Archangel Metatron - Light giver, love, true self 
The Archangel Metatron is a light giver. This energy illuminates situations we need to understand better and helps bring clarity to the dark or unknown places to know ourselves deeper. This energy is creative, helping us to break down what we no longer need and then helping us to forge new realities. The energy of Metatron is pure and very clear and brings a clarity that helps us to connect deeply to what is true. One of those truths being love. Connect to Metatron when you wish for new light in your life and when you wish for change or understanding in a loving way.

Angels - Compassion, love, service 
Angels represent God in a more worldly form. Angels bring the vastness of God, and put it in a package we as human beings can relate to much better. They embody some of the greatest qualities of God such as: 


Angels bring these beautiful qualities down to earth. They are like messengers from God sent to bring us special things. Angels have the ability to be the 'in-between' beings, able to communicate with both humans and the very subtle energies of creation.

To carry or wear an angel symbol brings to mind the idea of service. To be of service to others and to the greater good.

Purple - Spirituality, wisdom, psychic development 
Purple is traditionally a royal colour and sign of dignity. Garments made of purple cloth were typically worn by high priests, emperors, military leaders and magistrates in the Roman times, as well as having a strong association with Osiris, and Ancient Egyptian god. 

The colour gained its superior authority as dying cloth purple was an expensive process, involving collecting secretions from two types of molluscs, so only the wealthiest people in society could afford to have clothes made of the colour. 

In terms of magic, purple is linked to the spiritual dimension, psychic development, wisdom and spiritual strength. People often use the colour, whether through meditation or visualisation, to try and increase their spiritual development and access higher states. Likewise, in the chakra system, purple / violet relates to the crown chakra.

Angel Cards 
Angel Cards do not conform to any one particular system so therefore the number of cards in a deck can vary. Most have pictures and some, like the Angels of Light cards do not. Angel cards give angelic wisdom and help give more clarity and input into our lives. The "Original Angel Cards" are the cards that are thought to have given popularity to angel cards back in 1978 with the start of the Transformation Game at the Findhorn Community in Scotland. Since that time there have been many angel card decks produced. Some of the most popular are by Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper and also the Original Angel Cards.

Categories Product 
  • Spirituality
  • Home & Living
        > Tarot, jewelry & storage boxes
  • Textiles 
        > Bags,
  • Spirituality
        > Tarot
  • Home & Living
        > Costume jewelry and storage boxes



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