Mystic Dreamer AS
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Silver Angel Windchime - engel vindspill


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Silver Angel Windchime - engel vindspill

Enjoy musical inspiration with each passing breeze.

A beautiful hand crafted metal, glass & resin windchime in a Silver Angel design.

NB! 2 designs tilgjengelig, skriv i kommentarfelt på bestillingen om du ønsker den til venstre eller til høyre på bildet

Hang this beautifully Angel wind chime where the wind can gently blow through it creating a musical chiming sound.


There is nothing more welcoming as the delightful sound of a wind chime. Enjoy the heavenly harmony and entrancing colors of our beautifully designed Wind Chimes. The stain glass color effect radiates beautiful shades of orange with every beam of light and the chimes produce a soothing sound when the wind catches them. Four dangling beads accentuate this whimsical chime that glows in the dark. Light the way for your guests with this innovative new piece.

  • Dimensions H:50cm W:12cm D:3.5cm
  • GiftBox Display Size H:15.5cm W:12cm D:3.5cm
  • Material Glass, Metal


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