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Shungitt for mobilephone rund - non-polished 20mm Shungitt EMF

110,- 129,-

Tilbudet slutter 29.09.2024

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Shungitt for mobilephone rund - non-polished 20mm Shungitt EMF

Shape: round

Material: regular shungite

Style: non-polished

Easy to attach

Size: 20 mm (0,8 inches)

Weight: 4 grams (0,0044 pounds)

Please, be advised that all pictures are for illustrative purposes only. 



 Phones, computers and other modern gadgets are the main source of electromagnetic radiation. In order to protect yourself you can use shungite phone plates. They create a protecting field around you and diminish the negative impact on your body. The great advantage of shungite plates is that they are very convenient in usage and can be easily attached to your phone or phone case.


   Scientific research has shown that shungite is able to block electromagnetic radiation and significantly weakens its impact on the body. Protective shungite phone plates made of authentic shungite can easily protect from the cell phone’s radiation. Since cell phone is the most frequently used source of EMF radiation, shungite phone stickers are must have items for everyone in the modern world. Putting small sticker on your phone you will enhance the state of your nervous system and the condition of the bio-field as well as improve your overall health.


      Shungite phone stickers have adhesive backing and they are easy to attach to your phone, tablet, laptop and other gadgets. The action radius of each phone sticker is big enough and accounts for approximately 1 meter (39 inches).So you can place them either on the back side of your gadget or on cell phone case.

Shungite referred to as a magical stone, a stone of life or a protective and healing mineral

Det finns delade meningar om shungit skyddar mot elektromagnetisk strålning men enligt ryska forskare kan shungit göra det. Denna lilla shungit platta är tillverkad i Ryssland. Den har en självhäftande klisterlapp på ena sidan, så att man lätt kan fästa den på baksidan av sin mobiltelefon eller någon annan apparat vars energifält man vill skydda sig mot.

Plattan är ca 20 mm

Tänk på: att detta är en handgjord produkt av naturmaterial vilket innebär att varje produkt är unik.


Shape: round


Please, be advised that all pictures are for illustrative purposes only. 



 Phones, computers and other modern gadgets are the main source of electromagnetic radiation. In order to protect yourself you can use shungite phone plates. They create a protecting field around you and diminish the negative impact on your body. The great advantage of shungite plates is that they are very convenient in usage and can be easily attached to your phone or phone case.

            Geopathic stress and shungite

         Shungite pyramid and other items appear to be a perfect solution when it comes to coping with geopathic stress. Geopathic stress is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth (Schumann Resonance / Waves - 7.83Hz ). Many things like underground streams, sewers, water pipes, electricity networks, tunnels and underground railways, mineral formations and geological faults distort the natural resonance of the Earth and lead to the creation of geopathic stress (GS). People sleeping or spending a lot of time in geopathic stress zones are very vulnerable and their health, performance, and well-being are affected by the negative influence of such zones.


Authentic shungite from Karelia, Russia. The Zazhoginsky deposit shungite is the only place of the origin of this amazing stone!



Shungite is a unique Precambrian carbonaceous natural mineral of organic origin that can be found in its raw form only in the Republic of Karelia, the Russian Federation, where the only deposit of this amazing mineral is located.

The stone received its name from the name of a small village called Shunga where it was first discovered.

Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in it.

Type III and type II shungite is usually called regular shungite stone and they contain from 30 to 50 per cent of carbon and from 50 to 90 per cent of carbon respectively. Shungite with the carbon contect of more than 90 % has silvery surface and is called elite shungite.



Nowadays shungite can be also referred to as a magical stone, a stone of life or a healing mineral due to its multiple healing, curative and protective properties that goes back far more than several generations. Some experts claim that the mineral is approximately 2 billion years old and it starts its existence long before life existed on Earth.


In a modern world shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days.


Besides, shungite has a unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are considered as one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells of a human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and spherical fullerene molecules contained in the shungite carbon make it extremely useful in cosmetic medicine and beauty culture.


Therefore, shungite is capable of reducing the effects of EMF radiation, neutralizing geopathic stress and tension, activating healing properties of the human body and providing physical and spiritual healing to a person using it. All these properties contribute to the fact that this magical stone is so popular all over the world.


Types of shungite stones

         Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in it. Type III and type II shungite is usually called regular shungite stone and they contain from 30 to 50 per cent of carbon and from 50 to 90 per cent of carbon respectively. All the shaped products on the market like pyramids, spheres, bracelets, etc. are made of regular shungite since it amounts for the major part of shungite found in Karelia and can be easily shaped and polished.

         Type I shungite is called noble or elite shungite and it contains from 90 to 98 per cent of organic carbon in it. Elite shungite nuggets have shiny silvery surfaces and have a high energetic potential due to the high percentage of carbon. The deposits of elite shungite are extremely scarce and elite shungite amounts for less than one per cent of all shungite found. It is usually digged carefully by individuals in the rocks while types II and III shungite are more available for an industrial digging in the quarries.






The authenticity of the shungite pieces can be proved with a simple test. One of the brightest features of authentic shungite as a stone is that it is electrically conductive. Thus, you can take a battery, bulb and two wires and make streamline of electricity coming from battery to bulb with one of the wires being connected to battery and another to bulb with a shungite stone between them. If shungite it authentic you will see that the shungite conducts electricity and bulb lightens due to the high carbon content in shungite, which is not usually seen with other stones.



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