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Orgonite kule - Orgone Sphere Lapis Lazuli with Flower of Life


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Orgonite kule - Orgone Sphere Lapis Lazuli with Flower of Life

You can place these jewels next to devices that emit harmful radiation to balance the etheric energy. Many people benefit from the orgone energy fighting insomnia and nightmares by placing the orgone sphere next to or above the bed. Nowadays orgone is used in the form of gemstones containing metals that strengthen the operation, namely the generating of positive life energy/orgone. It’s made of casting resin, aluminum, copper filings, crystals and metal wire. Orgonite is processed in various forms from jewelry to spheres. 
In contrast to the yin-yang philosophy where they believe in dualism (balance between positive and negative energy), orgonite-users believe that energy is transformable. This perspective gives us the chance to purify our environment from negative stimuli by transforming this energy into a salutary power. Orgonite works constantly without the need to unload and charge the stone

This sphere is provided with the Flower of life – symbol. The sacred geometry of the Flower of Life: a symbol that can be found in different esoteric movements. It’s a powerful spiritual symbol full of mathematics. With her 19 circles she is currently known for her use within the New Age movement. She represents the unity-consciousness. 

Lapis Lazuli

The cobalt blue color (5th and 6th chakra) of lapis, reveals the spiritual vibrations of this gemstone. It enables integrity by helping you to communicate openly and honestly. It supports you to find your inner truth and be yourself. This brings relief and peace. She helps to express your opinion and show emotions in a healthy way to promote your friendships and relationship. In the physical field, this stone is very effective against complaints caused by the suppression of emotions, such as headache, sore throat and nausea


Bring access and understanding of the universal knowledge into your home or office while clearing your space of negativity and harmful environmental elements with this Lapis Orgone sphere. The sphere is crafted from Lapis and resin and features a gold toned Flower of Life symbol. This sphere measures 2".

The "Flower of Life" comes from the sacred geometry; that pattern can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains all forms of creation as they come from the "Great Void". Everything is emanating from the Creator's thought.

Lapis is a mixture of at least three minerals: lazurite, calcite & pyrite. Ground Lapis was the secret of the blue in ultramarine, the pigment which painters used to paint the sea and the sky until the nineteenth century. It was also ground up along with Malachite and used as eye makeup in Ancient Egypt. It was said to impart ancient knowledge, and the wisdom to use it and to enhance one's awareness, insight and intellect.


ca 5cm


This beautiful orgonite sphere is made from a combination of lapis lazuli blended with metal shavings, and encased in resin. 

Orgone Sphere's are symbolized as devices that aid in converting negative energy to positive, plus balancing the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Read our dictionary below for more information on Orgone & Orgonite. 


  • Lapis- Representing the Throat Chakra, the central themes posses qualities of communication, speech, truth and knowledge. Overall it balances personal expression with the flow of information. 
  • Size of Sphere: These are approximately 60 mm in diameter (2.5")




Dictionary Terms Explained

Orgone / Orgonite/Orgonitt - Balancing, Spiritual Growth, Reducing Negative Energy 
Orgonite (sometimes known as Organite) is a blend of quartz crystals, metals and resin that is said to balance and harmonize bio-energies such as chi, orgone, reiki energy or prana. There are many other names for this including etheric energy, bio energy, bio magnetic energy, huna energy, astral energy, 4th dimensional energy, life force energy and more. 

An Austrian Psychiatric called Wilhelm Reich researched orgone energy between 1936 and 1940 and suggested that organic materials had the ability to attract and hold orgone energy, whilst non-organic metals similarly attracted and rebelled. Organite products are made from these two principles, and contain a mixture of organic materials (such as resin), plus metal shavings (copper, brass, aluminium curls) and crystals (which are inorganic).

Various benefits of orgonite energy have been reported such as increased energy, a decreased sensitivity to EMF's, improved sleep, plus balancing and spiritual growth. Many choose to keep an orgonite item near to them such as a Pyramid or Sphere as a way of reducing negative energy, and aiding in meditation.


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