Mystic Dreamer AS
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Obelisk Ametyst Båndet slepet 8-9cm


Obelisk Ametyst Båndet slepet 8-9cm

Tower Healing Crystal Points

Protection, Purification, Spirituality

Primary Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

nydelig båndet krystall, prisen er for 1 stk


visdomssten, løser opp sinne og uro, balanserer følelsene, fremmer kjærlighet og åndelighet, beskytter, blokkerer for geopatisk stress, hjelper mot hodepine, styrker visualisering


chakra: tredje øye og krone

  • Energy is directed through and radiates from the point of the crystal, making these great pieces to use for crystal grids.
  • They naturally destroy and transmute negative energies offering environmental blessings to any room in your home, your office, your spiritual work space, or with you wherever you go.
  • Finely tuned Crystal healing wands are more powerful than healing crystals as they double the healing powers. These energy tools help focus the energy of the crystal on your goals and aims using the potent vibrations radiated by crystals. Widely used throughout history, crystal wands are used to ground your intentions, focus, and ambitions.



NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med krystaller og mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag


NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker

Aventurine Gemstone meaning

You should never buy a lottery ticket without an aventurine in your left pocket. Lady Luck will be in your left pocket. This is the stone of opportunity. Aventurine is known as the stone of chance or luck. If you gamble or play the lotto, keep this stone in your left pocket.

Aventurine is mainly quartz, a quartzite, usually containing mica. It occurs in several colors including green, red and blue.

Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and chance. It is said to increase perception and creative insight. It is a heart chakra stone.

Yellow Aventurine opens the Third eye chakra. It is often used to balance emotions and male/female energies.

Red Aventurine opens the Root chakra. It can assist in creativity, and help you to see the possibilities in new opportunities.


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