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Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom - Peter Gold

287,- 479,-

Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom - Peter Gold

The Circle of the Spirit

The similarity between the Navajo and Tibetan spiritual traditions has often been remarked upon by scholars chiefly because of the mandala sand paintings common to both cultures, their ideas about matter and spirit, and their uncanny physical resemblance to one another. Author Peter Gold substantiates the shared knowledge of these seemingly disparate people by drawing extensive parallels among many aspects of both cultures: creation myths, cosmology, geomancy, psychology, visionary arts, and healing and initiation rituals. Through his sensitive comparison of Navajo and Tibetan sacred ways, the author encourages us to reconsider our own cultural paradigms and shows us how we might begin to recover a sense of the sacred.

  •  Paperback | 350 pages
  •  203 x 254 x 25mm

Review quote

At long last the mighty indigenous traditions of Navajo and Tibetan are juxtaposed, to let their powerful teachings reinforce each other and resound together. A beautiful, wise book.-- "Joanna Macy, author of World as Lover, World as Self"

About Peter Gold

Formerly a research assistant to Dr. Margaret Mead and curator at Indiana University's anthropology and folklore museum, Peter Gold is currently on the anthropology faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He is also the author of Tibetan Reflections: Life in a Tibetan Refugee Community; Altar of the Earth: The Life, Land, and Spirit of Tibet; and Tibetan Pilgrimage.


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