Merlin - Den Store Druiden
Merlin ble kjent som en lærer og konstant følgesvenn av den legendariske King Arthur. I boken Pheryllt, druidenes bok, nevnes hans verk og hans magiske kraft, men nåtiden tviler ofte på hans sanne eksistens og refererer til den som en legende.
Merlin - The Great Druid
Merlin became known as a teacher and constant companion of the legendary King Arthur. In the book Pheryllt, the book of the druids, his work and his magic power are mentioned, but the present time often doubts his true existence and refers to legend.
As a master druid he possessed high knowledge and great mental power. The universal laws were his home. He had the foresight and penetrating power of a sage. He was in constant communication with the beings of the other world, whether tree spirits or elves. His connection to the kingdom of nature was so close that they came to his aid at any time if he needed it. His high consciousness pervaded many worlds. And so what today is often regarded as magic is perhaps simply the natural state of a human being whose development and consciousness is far above ours. Merlin stands for the fact that we can all break through the fog of illusions and master the path to our true naturalness. It is as if he guides and accompanies us with his crystal-clear sphere of knowledge.
synthetic resin, H: 47 cm
With crystal ball in magic wand.