Livets blomst veggdekorasjon 18cm-Flower of Life high quality steel
- Made of pure stainless steel
- the flower of life produces
- Ideal to energize living rooms
Flower of Life - Wall Decoration
The holy geometry of the universe...
Foundation as well as existence of all, that is!
This flower of life, with its 19 circles is a strong oscillation symbol, creates an absolutely harmonious, oscillating field.
This symbol is widespread throughout the world, since time immemorial and creates a perfect order in itself.
The flower of Life helps us to remember who we really are, is able to solve our blockades and to set free life energy.
18 cm,
Why the Flower of Life?
The Flower of Life is the symbolic depiction of life itself. In this symbol - which can be continued endlessly - the center (or the core), the development, and the perfect harmony are all portrayed. If we regularly energize our food and our water with this eternally valid, intelligent symbol, our consciousness is increasing, and the powers of light and healing inside of us are activated naturally.
Livets blomst, universets geometriske urmønster for alt liv, uttrykker den guddommelige energiens evige strøm gjennom alt og alle og regnes som et kraftfullt kosmisk healing- og meditasjonssymbol. Det er inngravert på gamle synagoger, templer, palasser og moskeer over hele verden.