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Citrinkrystaller sies å øke energien og brukes ofte som et hjelpemiddel i krystallheling. Utnytt dets ryktede helbredende egenskaper for å forbedre selvtilliten og redusere spenningen. Kommer i en bomullssnørepose med matchende informasjonskort. Størrelse, form og farge på stein vil variere på grunn av dens unike natur. Vekten på denne varen varierer fra 3 til 6 gram. Vær oppmerksom på at størrelsen på dette produktet er betydelig mindre enn andre grove krystaller vi lagerfører, som vist på det siste illustrasjonsbildet.
Citrine crytals are said to boost energy and are commonly used as an aid in crystal healing. Harness its rumoured healing properties to improve confidence and reduce tension. Comes in a cotton drawstring pouch with matching information card.
Size, shape and colour of stone will vary due to its unique nature. The weight of this item ranges from 3 to 6 grams. Please note that the size of this product is significantly smaller than other the rough crystals we stock, as noted in the product photographs.
gir rikdom, overflod, suksess og glede, løfter atmosfæren, tilfører energi, kvikker opp sinnet, lindrer plager i overgangsalderen, gir indre ro, eksamens- og "klarsynt" sten, avstressende
chakra: solar plexus
Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group. A deep golden variety from Madiera Spain can resemble the costly imperial topaz gem stone, which is one reason that citrine is a popular birthstone alternative to those born in November.
Citrine has been called the "stone of the mind". Ancient cultures believed that placing a citrine on the forehead of an elder would increase his psychic power.
Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". If you are in any type of sales, just put a citrine in the cash drawer and watch what happens. Also used by healers to:
Citrine is sometimes used by healers to help with digestion as it is considered beneficial to the endocrine and digestive system - cleansing, purifying and eliminating poisons that have built up. Citrine is an excellent stone to calm and soothe distressed conditions. Some use it to help relieve depression, digestive problems (including constipation and diabetes). It will give joy and love to the owner.
Sources of citrine include Brazil, Bolivia, several African countries and parts of the Soviet Union.