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Chi Generator (Reiki) Ametyst og Chakrakrystaller


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Chi Generator (Reiki) Ametyst og Chakrakrystaller

Vital energy generator Chi (Reiki) with the stones of the chakras.

The Chi generator is made of natural stones and copper plated in silver color and consists of seven points, each of six faces, connected to a conical pyramid.

At each point there is one of these stones correlative to one of the chakras: Amethyst, lolita, moonstone, peridot, citrine, carneola and garnet.

The conical pyramid measures about 2.5 cm of base and each tip has an approximate length of 2.5 cm. The weight is around 60 grams.


The Chi generators are handmade pieces, and the measurements vary between one piece and another.


This generator is an apparatus that collects and channels the vital energy Chi disperses in the environment. This energy, Chi is also known as orgon energy, Reiki energy and Prana.

The generator is constantly capturing the energy of the universe and transmitting it to living beings.

It can be used for balancing chakras with minerals, Reiki in distance as a grill or simply as an environment harmonizer.


visdomssten, løser opp sinne og uro, balanserer følelsene, fremmer kjærlighet og åndelighet, beskytter, blokkerer for geopatisk stress, hjelper mot hodepine, styrker visualisering 

chakra: tredje øye og krone

More About Amethyst
The wonderfully coloured amethyst, with its variety of shades of purple reminds us of the spiritual thread that runs through our life and can be used as a tool to aid spiritual awakening and intuition. Amethyst can bring a calming influence and therefore be of great help in times of change. It's excellent to hold or have by you when you're practicing meditation and when placed in a room it can help absorb negativity. Placed under the pillow it may help you sleep better.


NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. 

Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr 

Gaveesker finner du her: Gave esker

og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker



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