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Bergkrystall Rainbow Quartz Polished Point 80g+


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Rainbow Quartz Polished Point 80g+

Dimensions Examples: Will vary depending on size. But below offers a rough guide to the height. As a wider point will be less high.

80 grams: 4.5-6 cms (1.5-2.5 inches)

Shape: These can vary but a good idea of the type of shape can be seen from the photos. These are fairly typical. Some crystals can be a little taller and some wider. If you have a specific shape in mind please do request it on the "kommentarer" box that you will find on the page you input your address.

The price for the rainbow quartz points is based upon weight, not dimensions. Each is weighed individually and placed in that price bracket. We import these direct from Brazil. They are highly polished and are termed "rainbow quartz" as each point has rainbows in them (that is, you look at the point from various angles and the nature of the fissures inside cause small rainbows).

The rainbows aren't big sweeping rainbows, they are little but there are normally quite a few. Many people love rainbows in crystals and actively seek them out. Well now we have done the seeking for you! 

In terms of the properties of these crystals you have a combination of quartz (clear quartz) combined with the symbolism of rainbows. A lovely combination.

More About the Symbol of the Rainbow
The rainbow, featuring an arc of seven colours (red, orange, yellow, green, battle, indigo and violet), is typically regarded as a bridging symbol - bringing together the supernatural and natural worlds. The arc of the rainbow touching the surface of the earth is seen as representing hope, treasure and fertility, as the familiar phrase, 'a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow' emphasizes.

The symbol has featured widely in different cultures, each adding their own unique meaning. In Greek myths, it was Iris the rainbow goddess who conveyed messages to earth from Zeus and Hera. In Norse legends, a rainbow representing the bridge Byfrost, and a similar notion was used in Japan for the seven-coloured staircase Buddha comes down when returning from heaven. The rainbow features in Christianity, too, notably during the great flood when a rainbow appeared above Noah's ark.


energiforsterkende, åpner for det gode og positive, stimulerer inspirasjonen og intuisjon, demper frykt, balanserer yin og yang, healer overalt, gir klarhet og innsikt, romantikk og kjærlighet

chakra: alle

NB!  Farger og mønstre vil variere

Quartz crystal is a clear variety of quartz that was first found high in the frozen mountains of the Alps. Ancient people believed it was a form of ice crystals that would never melt. It is said to have cooling powers and is a romantic stone. Sources of quartz crystal include Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, France and parts of the Soviet Union.

Healing properties of Quartz Crystal

Crystal is a common stone, but a powerful one. It is mainly used in healing as amplification for the energies of the other working stones. In healing, the crystal point is best and the size can be important.

For meditating the crystal ball or point can be used. As it is a powerful stone the user should experiment with each to find what is best for him.

The Quartz Crystal has a similar vibration as humans. This is why using Crystal to meditate and keeping a Crystal helps one to know oneself. It will sometimes not work for a negative person.


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