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Kyanitblad hänge i silverfärgat folie
Platta blå kyanit kristaller infattade i silverfärgad folie, höjd ca 60-65 mm
kanalisering- og meditasjonssten, fremmer mental klarhet, medfølelse, sann & klar kommunikasjon, stimulerer intuisjon & oversanselige evner, gir energi, balanserer chakraene, renser blokkeringer
chakra: hals og krone
NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer.
NB! Sølvkjeder og andre remmer og smykkekjeder kan du bestille her: Kjeder & remmer
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og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker
Tumbled Blue Kyanite —
A very popular metaphysical crystal, Blue Kyanite will not hold negative energy, and thus never needs to be cleared. Blue Kyanite can be used to open and align all of the chakras. It can also be used to align all layers of the aura, making Blue Kyanite an excellent choice for any type of energy work.
Blue Kyanite is especially good for working with the Throat Chakra and communication issues. Blue Kyanite helps to speak one's truth, and is a good stone for public speakers and performers. Blue Kyanite is also useful for throat and voice ailments. In group settings, Blue Kyanite can help bridge any gaps in communication, cutting down on the number of arguments, making it a great crystal to keep in the office or home. By facilitating the alignment of all the subtle bodies, Blue Kyanite can add to the size and strength of the aura, which contributes to the better overall health of the physical body.
Also an excellent Third-Eye Chakra stone, Blue Kyanite can pull very high vibrations in through this chakra to be processed as messages from other realms. Blue Kyanite can also transfer a high vibration, allowing for an opening of psychic abilities, especially during meditation. By sleeping with it inside a pillowcase, Blue Kyanite can also be used to promote lucid dreaming and astral travel. Meditating with one of these Blue Kyanite Tumbled Stones on the Third-Eye Chakra can help you to receive insights into bringing altruistic ideals to fruition.
Kyanite is a fibrous mineral that can be found in many colors, including blue (the most common), black, green, yellow, and white. Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements, meditation, and dream-work. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body, centers you in preparation for meditation, and assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. Kyanite restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.