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Anheng Ametyst Sword Pendant - Amethyst in Sterling Silver Setti


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Anheng Ametyst Sword Pendant - Amethyst in Sterling Silver Setting

Product Information

This is a crystal sword pendant made from Amethyst, placed within a sterling silver setting. We sell other Amethyst pendants similar to this but it has a different silver setting; this pendant is a flatter shape compared to DT point pendants. It is very lightweight, easy and comfortable to wear with a chain, a sterling silver setting is attached to the very top of the pendant.

The pendant itself has been neatly carved and the outside is completely smooth. Amethyst crystal is a lovely deep purple colour, the amethyst used for these pendants can vary slightly but the quality is always constant. Take a look at some of the pictures above to see the type of variation there may be; we've tried to capture the different shades you might find. If you have any particular request for the look or colour of the pendant you would like, please leave us a note in your extra instructions upon checking out and we'll do our best to pick one for you.

Please Note: This pendant does not come with a chain. You can see our range of Sterling Silver Chains here.

Size of Pendant: Can vary slightly, but the total length (not including loop) is normally 32-35mm


Dictionary Terms Explained

Amethyst - Spiritual, calming 
The wonderfully coloured amethyst, with its variety of shades of purple reminds us of the spiritual thread that runs through our life and can be used as a tool to aid spiritual awakening and intuition. Amethyst can bring a calming influence and therefore be of great help in times of change. It's excellent to hold or have by you when you're practicing meditation and when placed in a room it can help absorb negativity. Placed under the pillow it may help you sleep better.


NB! bildet er eksempel, anhengene vil variere litt i størrelse, farger og mønster

visdomssten, løser opp sinne og uro, balanserer følelsene, fremmer kjærlighet og åndelighet, beskytter, blokkerer for geopatisk stress, hjelper mot hodepine, styrker visualisering

chakra: tredje øye og krone

One of the most popular metaphysical stones, Amethyst is very powerful and protective.  Use Amethyst when working with the Third Eye Chakra to enhance intuition, or with the Crown Chakra to access the divine.  Amethyst is wonderful for meditations and developing intuition and psychic abilities, and is an especially good stone for Pieces.

Amethyst is a variety of quartz that contains manganese, which produces Amethyst's purple color.  The iron content in the Amethyst determines the relative darkness of the purple. 

Amethyst usually grows in geodes, which are hollow rocks with crystal-filled interiors.  From the outside, Amethyst geodes often look like ordinary rocks, but inside they contain a wonderland of crystals.

Amethyst is very powerful and protective.  Known as the "stone of sobriety," Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships.  Amethyst can encourage inner strength and relieve stress.

The strong healing powers of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy. Dark Purple Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra.


Issues and Ailments (Physical): Acne, 
Addictions, AIDS/HIV, Blood, 
Brain, Cancer, Detoxifying, 
Ears (Hearing), Emphysema, 
Headaches, Health and Healing, Immune 
System, Insomnia, Migraines, 
Nightmares, Pain, Parkinson's 
Disease, Pineal Gland, Pituitary 
Gland, Poisons, Sleep, Stomach, 
Tumors, Understanding Death


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